Erfolgsgeheimnis: Erfahrung und Zuverlässigkeit
Peter Löffler Maschinenbau GmbH exemplifies the archetype of a tool design and manufacturing firm: nine employees, a focus on individual fabrications, consistent deadline pressure, and a close eye on cost calculations. The secret of success? Experience and reliability. And quality, of course ─ provided by a new acquisition in the form of a Takumi VC 1052.
Pliening, Oktober 2021:
For Peter Löffler, a deadline is a deadline: "When I make an agreement with a customer, then this person can rest assured that the delivery will take place on time." Meanwhile, no workpiece leaves the premises without inspection. "It has to be just right," he maintains. He has been in the business for decades, with his own company for the last 25 years. As a specialist in mold and die manufacture, he focuses on single parts. In Eigeltingen near Lake Constance, the spectrum also includes limited series production, although this is less frequent. The customers for milled and turned components hail from the mold and die sector as well as jig and prototype fabrication, while business activities also extend to embrace automation technology. The agenda always places priority on quality and punctuality. To meet these demands, Peter Löffler has evolved special proficiency in 5-axis milling and CNC turning of aluminum, steel and stainless steel along with non-ferrous metals and plastics.
The control system defines the direction
Now he has expanded his machining resources by adding a 3-axis machining center from Takumi. "For me, the primary consideration was precision," is how Peter Löffler describes his first priority. He then provides some backstory: "A competing firm has been milling on HURCO for years and is completely satisfied. But the difference is that we produce our precision parts with Heidenhain control systems. After all, I wanted to maintain the ability to assign any employee to any machine; I didn't want to introduce a different control system. In other words, they should all speak the same language. That is why I reached out to HURCO and asked whether they could supply machines with Heidenhain control systems." This is how they met HVS Werkzeugmaschinen, the sales and service representative for HURCO/Takumi in Ölbronn-Dürrn just outside Pforzheim.

Erfolgsgeheimnis: Erfahrung und Zuverlässigkeit
With the Takumi VC 1052, he ultimately decided on a machining center that has been designed specifically for mold and die manufacture. Equipped with the "Heidenhain TNC 640“" control system, it has been conceived for high-precision metal cutting as are all the models in the VC series. Ball-bearing linear motion guides join Heidenhain motors that have been optimally adapted for every axis to support the TNC 640 in ensuring high levels of dynamic response. The high-performance spindle offers rotation rates extending up to 12,000 rpm while providing power reaching 14 kW. The machine can also be equipped with optional cooled ball screw spindles; an optional rotary table for producing parts using a fourth or fifth axis can also be supplied upon request.
Maschinenbau Löffler relies on an SK 40 tool chuck. "Larger support surfaces are naturally going to be more stable," asserts the owner. "The SK 40, however, is the right choice as well as the most economically effective complement to the Takumi's solid structure." The machine backs up this assertion by milling all materials, while reliably maintaining manufacturing tolerances of 1/100 mm. For Peter Löffler, the height of the Z-axis and travel range on the X-axis assume special significance. "We use the Takumi for extremely long workpieces," he explains. "Everything longer than 850 mm goes to this machine. Among the Takumi's distinct assets are its long-term stability along with convenient access to the machine's control stand and for loading parts. Even loading with a crane is absolutely no problem."
Get it right the first time
"Our specialty is single piece production," says Peter Löffler as he returns to his own experience. "If a part isn't right, then we can't rework it. The only option is to manufacture it again. So our motto is: Get it right the first time. And that explains our satisfaction with the Takumi." The machine provides trouble-free operation, and as of now they have never needed to call for service. "I would immediately be ready to invest in another VC Series machine at any time," is how he summarizes the situation. "Although today it would be a size larger, with the VC1200." Whereby he remains completely satisfied with his current VC 1052: "The Takumi fits our demand catalog. Operation is quiet and extremely precise, and it serves as an excellent extension to our machinery. I could buy the same quality elsewhere, but only at a much higher price."